The skincare routine consists of small daily gestures aimed at caring for the skin and enhancing its natural beauty. The potential of this daily cuddle is very high, but it must be performed in the correct way to achieve the desired results.

The key words in the world of skincare are passion, perseverance and patience. These elements must be well mixed and support each other, otherwise you risk running into the wrong shortcuts or real fail! 

Let’s see the 5 most committed mistakes:

LAYERING IN THE WRONG WAY: the steps of the Korean beauty routine are composed of well-defined steps that must be performed to the letter to avoid running into the common effect "grains". What do we mean? The skincare steps provide a defined layering, that is, an overlap of products that starts from the lightest to the most substantial. When this rule is subverted and the textures mixed, cosmetics will struggle to penetrate, remaining on the surface and thus creating grainy "balls" of product. An annoying mistake that wastes time and delay the morning/ evening preparation!

COCKTAILING SKINCARE: a technique often used to save time. It consists in mixing several different products together to speed up the beauty routine. In addition to the previous error, cocktailing can frustrate the effectiveness of products and in some cases may also cause irritation and undesirable effects. If you do not know the ingredients and their active ingredients, better avoid!

EXCESSIVE EXFOLIATION: to have a clean and bright complexion, perform a mechanical or chemical scrub is essential, but do not overdo it. Excessive exfoliation can have a contrary effect on the skin causing the appearance of impurities and excessive production of sebum. Why? The skin is coated with an oily protective film that protects it from external agents, if this film is removed due to over-exfoliation, the skin will try to restore it. That is why it is recommended to perform this step only 1 up to  2 times a week! 


CHOOSE THE WRONG PRODUCTS OR USE IT IN THE WRONG WAY: often it happens not to know how to recognize their type of skin, ending up buying products not suitable for their skin needs. For this reason, it is essential to always ask for the advice of an expert and to carefully read the packaging of cosmetic products that report, not only the characteristics of the skin to which they are addressed, but also the times and ways of application.

EXCHANGE HYDRATION AND NUTRITION: although they are often used as synonyms, in reality they are not at all and refer to different types of skin. Moisturizing means replenishing the liquids lost during the day, for this reason a moisturizing cosmetic product or rich in moistening ingredients, is suitable for all skin types. Nourishing instead means restoring the lipid film of the skin, necessary for the protection of the skin from external agents. Nutritious cosmetic products are therefore aimed at the most delicate skin such as dry and sensitive.

Have you ever been deceived?
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Good - and conscious - beauty routine!

🌸 🌸