The summer heat is starting to make itself felt and it is essential to find a solution that not only restores lost liquids but also helps us to recharge our batteries

In this season, a healthy and nutritious choice is represented by superfoods - highly nutritious foods, rich in vitamins, mineral salts, fiber and excellent anti-age allies.

For summer 2020 SKIN IV recommends you choose the following:

Avocado: is the fruit with a thousand properties, as it balances bad cholesterol, is antioxidant and detoxifying, so perfect for those who follow a detox diet. It is also a source of many vitamins: A (useful for vision), B1 (antinevritica), B2 (for growth and well-being) and also D, E, K, H, PP.

Papaya: it is one of the most appreciated exotic fruit in summer, as it is composed of water and carbohydrates, so it provides great energy without weighing it down or swelling the belly. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, folic acid and magnesium.

Mango: it is a real mine of mineral salts, it also offers a good supply of vitamins, water and fibres.  In addition, it is a reserve of beta-carotene, which makes it particularly suitable for preparing the skin for tanning avoiding sunburn and erythema.

For this summer 2020 hot and uncertain, we leave you three ideas of fresh and tasty recipes!

Aperitif - Mango chips with avocado mayonnaise

Ripe avocado
Rice or soya milk
Evo oil

How to:

The chips: cut the mango into slices and fry them in the oil for a few minutes.

The sauce: take the pulp of the avocado, put some lime juice, oil, rice milk, a pinch of salt and mix everything until you get your tasty mayonnaise in a smooth and compact cream.

Main course - Chicken salad with mango and avocado

Chicken slices

How to:

Take the chicken and cook it as you prefer (in a pan, roast or even steamed).

Cut the carrots julienne while the mango strips. At this point take a bowl and season all the ingredients to taste with oil, salt and vinegar.

To make your bowl even fresher and exotic add the avocado sauce.

Dessert - Cocoa tart with cream and papaya


Cocoa powder

How to:

Prepare the pastry by mixing the classic ingredients with the addition of cocoa. Wrap it in film and let it rest in the fridge for at least half an hour.

For the cream, use ripe papaya and blueberries.

Once the tart is out of the oven, garnish with slices of papaya alternating with fresh blueberries.


Enjoy your meal!😋