In a week we celebrate Valentine’s Day. But is this holiday celebrated in Korea?

First of all, we need to know that Valentine’s Day in Korea is part of a series of 13 annual holidays designed to celebrate love and its forms.

However, it does not have exactly the same value as Westerners. If in the West couples organize to spend some time together and exchange gifts, in Korea there is a widespread custom that, on this day, only girls give chocolate to boys and then pay back a month’s distance. On March 14, White Day, it is up to the boys to reciprocate the gift received previously and make a gift to the girls. The custom has it that the gift is worth 3 times more than what they received a month earlier and, often and willingly, roses, candies or white chocolate are given because it is White-Day.

What about singles? Singles are traditionally tied to the feast of San Faustino on February 15th. In Korea, however, February 15 has no value. In fact, another day was set up to celebrate the unaccompanied, April 14, better known as Black Day. In a country where having the boyfriend is almost a must and if you don’t have it, you almost come negatively considered by those around you, how do you spend Black Day? Simple! We dress in black (mourning), we drink strictly black coffee and we eat jjajangmyon, a plate of noodles seasoned in a black bean sauce.

There are those who organize themselves with other single friends to go and eat the jjajangmyun together, you never know that between one noodles and the other you won’t end up like Lilly and the Wanderer! Hope is the last to die.

The nature and spirit behind these parties could be discussed for hours. Consumerism, good intentions, occasionality?

We at SKIN IV think that, regardless of the occasion, it should always be nice to spend time with your loved one beyond the conventions and, rather than ending up in restaurants-burdensome-factory-love, it is better to devote time to house in the context of home walls. Take care of each other with cute thoughts. A home-cooked dinner, a shared hot bath and then a moment of well-being for two with SKIN IV masks could be just some ideas to spend a pleasant evening like many others. 😊