Let’s put it this way. If you think that 2º degrees more cannot have such a significant effect on the planet, then let’s try to make a similarity with the human body temperature: at 36º you are well and healthy, at 38 you have a fever and you are sick.

The climate issue has become a determining point of our time and we are at a decisive moment in which we can choose whether to save the planet, and to save ourselves or continue in total indifference and arrive at a point of no return.

Man has a powerful influence on the climate and changes in the earth’s temperature and this change is moving so fast that in a very short time it is causing serious damage in a short period of time.

There is an emergency, this is undeniable.

We are told that the average temperature of the Earth is increasing at a worrying rate (in the last 5 years there have been anomalous heat waves all over the world).

The glaciers have melted and with this phenomenon, the extinction of animals that will no longer exist is taking place. Up until ten years ago, no one thought it possible that massive glaciers like those of Greenland could be liable, due to their gigantic size, to climate change. Instead, it is not so. Their change is inexorable, raising the sea levels alarmingly.

The thermal increase of the oceans helps to make the marine ecosystem falter, a fundamental link for the animal and human food chain, which is already being deprived of one-third of the Great Barrier Reef, dead suffocated by an excessive rise of the underwater thermometer.

The coup de grace

What’s more, the man also contributes in other ways to the deterioration of the environment.

Just think of events such as the increasing presence of plastic in the seas and the acidification of the seabed, all further factors that have a strong and devastating impact on the future of the Earth.

The planet is gradually rebelling with floods and flagellating storms, catastrophic scenarios are getting worse on our horizon. Millions of people find themselves / will find themselves in difficult situations where basic means of livelihoods such as cereals (rice and wheat), essential for the survival of human beings, will be jeopardized.

This is because the crops will be destroyed even by long and violent fires. As we have already verified in recent months in the Amazon. What happens miles away from one’s own reality can no longer remain there confined, but becomes more and more a problem for everyone. Those 12 million hectares of scorched earth, reduced to ashes, will disperse in every corner of the world in the form of 120 billion tons of carbon.

 “Climate change is not a future problem – it is happening right now.”

Perhaps the world is too distracted to realize what is happening, we think that fires and climatic conditions do not concern us because they are far from our everyday life. Paradoxically we convince ourselves to see the glass half full with respect to this situation … no one really likes a winter that is too rigid.

So what can we do?

It is not too late to change.

Every day we go towards a destiny that nobody wants.

In 2015, the Paris agreement reiterated the problem more clearly and inescapably. A GLOBAL action plan was therefore defined, with the intention of putting the world back on track to avoid the announced catastrophe. All states have been asked to reduce emissions, protect the environment, close more polluting coal plants and reduce the use of fossil fuels. A real revolution is required for any area of ​​our reality – from production methods, to transport, etc. As Greta Thunberg argued in her address to the United Nations, “The eyes of all future generations are upon you. If you decide to do nothing, we can never forgive you. ” We are confident that states will take the right precautions.

Meanwhile, we, in our own small way, realize that every single behavior can make a difference?

The future also depends on us. Turn off the light when not in use, do not waste drinking water, use the paper with care, avoid plastic as much as possible, prefer means of transport rather than your car, prefer meat and dairy products from organic and non-intensive farms.

It is not too late to change.

If we want it.