Did you know that, in Korea, it’s good practice and a common habit to take care of facial skin daily following ten essential steps? It’s obvious that you have to be an early riser because, otherwise, following all the steps effectively is almost heroic. However, when you actually see the results (I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Korea or have stopped to look at the skin of someone who is 100% Korean but you’ll always think that they’re at least 10 years younger than they really are), they almost make porcelain dolls envious, and you’ll certainly give getting up a bit earlier a second chance.

Let’s look at the ten steps in detail.

  1. The first step is cleansing with a suitable oil.
  2. The second step is also about cleansing but with a foam so that any residual impurity is completely eliminated.
  3. Then we move to exfoliation with a specific scrub.
  4. After that, there is use of a toner to strengthen skin tone.
  5. An essence is then smoothed all over uniformly.
  6. Now we pass to the serum.
  7. We’ve now reached the most relaxing but smartest step - the fabric mask.
  8. After this, a specific cream is then applied to the eye contour area.
  9. The ninth step is a moisturising face cream.
  10. The last step depends on whether the ritual is performed in the morning or the evening before going to bed; in the morning, a sun protection cream is used and, in the evening, a night cream

That’s right, because the ritual is to be performed both in the morning before going out, and the evening before going to bed.

An excess of virtuosity or the only effective way to slow the signs of aging?

Only time will tell.