Happy 2021!
The Christmas holidays always bring so much joy, good mood and relaxation, sometimes accompanied by a few extra pounds! But what’s wrong with that? It’s well known that when you’re happy and carefree, your stomach opens up 😋
Even this year, despite the most popular festivities, we could not say no to good food nor even to the sweets of the Epiphany, and now we regret bitterly.

So how do you dispose of the extra pounds?
With a proper diet and healthy physical movement!

SKIN IV has therefore created a mini guide of tips to follow, to find the right balance!

Although it was an intense period of binge eating, fasting is strictly forbidden.
Starting a healthy diet means making 5 meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and dinner. The new watchword is moderation: avoid exceeding your doses, do not be tempted by sweets and delicious, and make the most of the snacks. To get back on track start eating at lunch carbohydrates, instead leave for dinner proteins. During snacks eat fruit, yogurt or nuts!

Walking at a steady pace not only helps you get back in shape, but it’s also good for your blood circulation.
Walking one hour a day, you can dispose of 300 kcal fio, which is equivalent to 100gr of tortellini or 100gr of lamb and potatoes. If you feel like running during this hour of movement, even better, you will be able to burn twice the calories, 600 kcal, which to make the idea equal to a sandwich with hamburgers.

If you have the chance to ski, do it!
Skiing in fact burns a lot of calories, almost 10 per minute! It will take you an hour of skiing to burn 600 kcal. You will also have the opportunity to see beautiful landscapes and breathe clean and good air.

The activity in water helps to drain, tone and dispose of excess calories. Work against the resistance of water, reshape the body silhouette. Just one hour of training will be enough to dispose of almost 700 kcal. In fact, if you practice the frog style at a moderate pace, for an hour, you will burn 680 kcal.

Even yoga is great for purifying the body after the holidays. Thanks to the various positions, called asanas, it will be possible to stimulate the abdominals, reactivate digestion, massage the intestine and fight laziness. It is estimated that an hour of yoga allows you to burn from 180 kcal to 600 kcal, but you can also get to a thousand varying positions and sequences.

Thanks to a little movement, balance and organism will thank you!

After each workout, indulge in a pampering of relaxation and well-being with the SKIN IV masks.
Check out  here our range here and choose the one that suits you best!
