What is it, what are the main causes and how to take the best care of your skin 💝

Due to the pandemic, the term MASKNE entered the common vocabulary.
But do we really know what it is? Let’s find out together!


The word maskne comes from the combination of the terms "Mask + Acne". It manifests with the appearance of redness, pimples and black spots, irritations, up to even real rashes, in the area of the face covered by the mask.a.


The main cause of this problem is therefore the prolonged use of the protective surgical mask. The latter in fact can trigger the skin reaction in several ways:

  • Limiting the transpiration and oxygenation of the skin;
  • Occluding the pores;
  • Promoting the proliferation of bacteria, blocking the recycling of air and thus creating a "warm-humid" climate within it;
  • Rubbing against the face skin


Despite these problems caused by the mask, however, you can not disregard its use. So how to relieve the maskne symptoms?

  1. Use a mild detergent
    Proper cleansing of the face is essential, both before and after wearing the protective device.

  2. Gently exfoliate the face
    To avoid further irritation of the face skin, it is recommended to perform a light scrub on the skin every 7-10 days.
  3. Preferring soothing and repairing products
    It is important to dedicate a delicate skincare to the skin that keeps the skin hydrated, protected and soothed.
    Insert in your routine one of the masks SKIN IV:

Learn to love your skin, cuddle it and take good care of it. He will thank you.

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