As we take care of our body, it is also good to take care of your mind. What better way, if not creating a relaxing environment, to communicate us peace and relaxation? 💆🏼‍♀️💆🏻‍♂️
After all, the concept of home is based on this: being able to return at the end of the day to your place of heart, in "a place not simply to pass the time, but to feel joy for the rest of your life." [Sergio Bambarén]

So let’s start a wonderful journey through the trends of this year. A journey made of materials, details and colors, which will already give you peace and serenity.

Here are our 4 tips:

Ecology and sustainability are strongly felt and shared issues. Opting for furniture made from natural elements of recovery, will be good not only to the environment, but also to your spirit.
Your home will also be colored with a new light, releasing positive energies of peace and relaxation.

cassettiera in materiale reciclato
Photo Credits: Pinterest
tavolo in materiale reciclato
Photo Credits: Pinterest


The protagonist of this year’s furniture is the mirror, with which you can create interesting reflections and enlarge the environments.
To create a relaxed environment, it is better to prefer mirrors with soft and round shapes.

Specchio ovale
Photo Credits: Pinterest
Specchio angoli morbidi
Photo Credits: Pinterest


To give the room a feeling of peace and relaxation, the choice of color of the walls is essential. The pastel shades reign supreme, but no longer only in the warm colors of the dove or cream: ample space even for cold ones, such as green and blue, which in addition to giving character to the room, will give us the impression of being in contact with nature.

camera da letto con parete verde
Photo Credits:Pinterest
camera da letto con parete azzurra
Photo Credits:Pinterest

There is also a revival of wallpaper, now able to satisfy all tastes. Playing intelligently with this piece of furniture will surely help you in your search for contact with nature.

Carta da parati salotto piante
Photo Credits: Pinterest
carta da parati vegetazione bagno
Photo Credits: Pinterest


Last advice to renew an environment is to pay attention to details. In some cases, in fact, the environment only needs to be enhanced with some simple decoration, such as cushions, paintings, carpets or lamps. A trivial attention, but that sometimes is able to make a difference!

Tappeto tondo in paglia
Photo Credits: Pinterest
Soprammobili eleganti
Photo Credits: Pinterest
Cuscini con grafica lineare
Photo Credits: Pinterest

Take some time for yourself*, in the place you love the most 🏠

Create a relaxing and welcoming environment with these four tips and share the article with the people you love! Now in which room would you relax with a SKIN IV mask?