As we all know, sedentariness and stress make us increasingly tired and irritable, affecting not only our organism but also our psyche.
Therefore it is essential to be able to integrate into your daily routine simple and healthy habits, which can help us to counter these illnesses.
For those who are not very dynamic, it is essential to do some movement.
It is not necessary to join the gym or go for a run, simply take a walk of at least 30 minutes (in the city or even better in nature) or practice some stretching.
Stretching, often underestimated, is great for awakening numb muscles.
Here are some examples of exercises you can do in the workplace as they are very simple and discreet.

Choose carefully the snacks to break the hunger in your work days. The ideal is always a fruit or a yogurt, but even dried fruit is highly recommended, as it favors the production of endorphins, the famous wellness hormones and will also help you to recharge your batteries to better face the day.
Finally, take some time for yourself and dedicate to Quality Time. At least once a week, cut out an hour or two to do what makes you feel good and lightens your thoughts. Speaking of beauty and skincare, you could pamper yourself with a mask, choosing it carefully according to your needs. SKIN IV has one for every skin type!
Which one is yours?