Among the good intentions of the new year, you can also add more free time to the list … with yourself.

Knowing how to be alone does not mean being alone. For many, being alone is difficult and causes anxiety or suffering because we are forced to confront our most intimate thoughts. In this sense, learning to deal with loneliness is never negative, but vital, for the simple fact that you have to start thinking that, even when you are alone, you actually have your own company. Being with ourselves it is easier to learn to listen, thus increasing the awareness and knowledge that we have of us. It will be enough to slowly and vibrate the thoughts, sensations, and emotions that you feel and live and in this way our inner world will emerge: rich, full, contradictory … a real-world that makes sense to “train” and then know how to discern positive ideas from self-destructive ones. Introspection is a good way to spend your time, especially in a society that screams us to be more and more committed and invites us to distraction rather than pause for reflection.

But how to train an inner stream of consciousness?

  1. look for a quiet and peaceful place;
  2. standstill;
  3. concentrate and breathing slowly try to see which thoughts emerge;
  4. give yourself half an hour to make them flow:
  5. and then note what emerged.
  6. After this first part, do something relaxing and that makes you feel good, such as one of the SKIN IV masks
  7. Review what has been worked out previously and draw your conclusions. You will surely feel lighter and invigorated for the next step in your life.