No matter how cold winter has been, the arrival of spring always puts everyone in a good mood.Its colors and scents, accompanied by the sun that warms the skin and the chirping of birds, inevitably make us happier, making us bloom just like flowers.

In spring everything is reborn and seems to be better, but what are the flowers that actually welcome us in this new and sparkling season?Let’s find out right away🌸


Also known as Sakura flowers, they are the flowers of spring par excellence, especially in the East where with their candid pink petals, they inaugurate the arrival of summer.

Their beauty conquers not only Asians, but people from all over the world, so much so that it becomes a tourist destination for all travellers.

Cherry blossoms are also highly appreciated in the cosmetic world for their beneficial properties: they nourish the skin, protect the skin from oxidative stress and counteract the effects of the passing of time.
So much so that SKIN IV makes this flower the protagonist of its brightening and hydrating mask, perfect for all skin types.

Fiori di ciliegio


Even the camellias begin to peek out, welcoming us with their colors ranging from white to dark red, up to lilac!
Their petal corolla is perfectly concentric, so much so that we fall in love at first sight with this wonderful flower!

SKIN IV has not been able to resist, so much to dedicate a mask: the regenerating and antioxidant properties of this flower, in fact, make it perfect for an anti-age and firming face mask, excellent for mature skins but also for younger skins that want to prevent the signs of time.

Fiore di camelia


In this special season children begin to discover the world and the flowers that color it. Lavender is one of the first flowers that fascinates them: once they discover that its fresh and relaxing scent remains on their hands, they make many bouquet to give to mothers. In these cases it is excellent to make cotton bags in which to collect the dried flowers and perfume the drawers of the closets.

This aromatic plant is highly appreciated in cosmetics and in disciplines such as aromatherapy for the multiple benefits it has on both body and mind. Its relaxing, moisturizing, soothing and healing properties are a confirmation of this.
SKIN IV also uses this beautiful flower in purple blue tones, inside its elixir for the protective and detoxifying Blue Mask. Suitable for any type of skin, even the most sensitive, helps to protect the face from external agents and restore brightness.

Campo di lavanda


Complex as a rose, but without thorns!
This flower so bewitching and scenic is actually just as ephemeral.
Its flowering lasts in fact for a long time, but it is possible to enjoy the spectacle of this flower only for a little, just one or two months.

Nevertheless, the wait is rewarded by a wonderful corolla filled with petals and nuances and by delicious delicate but persistent aromas.
Even peony has great properties recognized at the cosmetic level: in addition to having a strong antioxidant power, it also has strong regenerating and soothing properties. This is why SKIN IV makes it the undisputed queen of its décolleté mask: a sweet flower to take care of with love of one of the most delicate and often neglected parts of our body.


What are your favorite flowers?
Would you like to know their cosmetic properties?

Leave a comment and we will answer you!

Good spring🌸🌼