
Rules for life: sun enough.

Just like salt, fundamental and indispensable to give flavor to all dishes, even the sun is only fine if in the right quantities. Essential to absorb vitamin D, useful for bone calcium, which is essential to have a positive mood and save from the onset of certain diseases – such as rickets and osteoporosis – it is sufficient that it is taken in minimum quantities to enjoy its benefits equally.

If in fact, it exposes itself to its rays in a reckless way, the risks to which it is subjected are several and of high scope.

What are UV rays?

Ultraviolet rays are electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun, whose wavelengths lie between visible light and ionizing radiation, such as X-rays and gamma rays. The human eye cannot see them and their effects on the skin are not always positive.

How many types of UV rays exist and what are the damages?

The reaction of the skin under the sun’s rays depends on the phototype of the subject and the reflecting capacity of the earth’s surface: for example, snow reflects 80% of UV radiation and only 15%.

The rays can be divided into:

– UV-A rays: they are present practically all year, even during cloudy days and represent 95% of the radiations that arrive on the earth’s surface. Even if they are the most penetrating, they do not cause burns and do not possess a real tanning power, however, despite this, they accelerate the process of skin aging and the risk of relative solar intolerances (commonly known as allergies, which manifest themselves through redness and itch).

– UV-B rays: a real source of tan and therefore, at the extremes, even burns, sunburn and, in the most serious cases, skin cancer. Despite being the most aggressive, they are considered the main producers of melatonin, a useful substance to confer progressive coloring of the skin or tanning. Their intensity does not last all year but varies according to the seasons, time of day and altitude.

– UV-C rays: nobody knows them and, although they are the most harmful, fortunately, they cannot reach the Earth’s surface because they are absorbed by the atmosphere. They are particularly dangerous due to their high carcinogenic power. The risk of exposure to these rays increases at high altitude, where it is necessary, a fortiori, to protect the skin in a suitable way.

How can ray damage be prevented?

First of all, it is necessary not to limit the use of the sun protection (at least 15+) only in the summer period but to adopt the due precautions in any season of the year in which one is exposed to the rays. It is also a good rule to limit exposure during the hottest hours, between 11 and 15 o’clock as much as possible. In addition, a further precaution to be taken is to wear clothes with soft colors, light and wide, which do not hinder the movements.

However, if this is not enough and the skin is irritated, just apply the Lotus Flowers, Aloe and Peony mask to the face. Excellent ingredients of natural origin with known soothing and calming properties that will help to restore the normal balance of the skin. A panacea to adequately address the risks of summer..