They are among the most loved fruits of the winter festivities, especially during the dinners and Christmas lunches, and it is now a tradition almost like eating lentils at New Year. But why are more and more nutritionists defining dates as a functional food, practically a superfood? Because they are.

What are the benefits of dates?

The dates come from the Middle East, where they are consumed practically forever and are considered an important food. It is an extremely caloric fruit – almost 300 kcal per 100 grams of product – and contains an impressive amount of minerals, vitamins, fibers (about 7 grams per 100) and very high levels of selenium (antioxidant), copper, potassium, magnesium but also a some manganese, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. A date is an excellent energy recharge after an intended sports performance, especially for children. But there are other important properties of dates to keep in mind: they are very useful for those suffering from sluggish bowels, and thanks to the high fiber content have a high glycemic index because they slow down the absorption of sugars. Thanks to the naturally sweet taste, they are ideal for sweetening instead of sugar or other sweeteners.

During the winter, especially during the holidays, dates appear on the tables and are eaten as a snack after lunch or dinner, waiting to toast with panettone or pandoro and sparkling wine. However, this is not a habit recommended for the high calorific value of these fruits. Dates instead are an excellent snack, to be consumed sporadically during the days of intense work, study or physics. Regular consumption in the rest of the year (without exaggeration, as always) also helps to keep neurodegenerative diseases away and keep the mind awake. For this reason, we remind you to continue to eat, from time to time, a nice date alternating with a cube of bitter chocolate, with walnuts, almonds, fruit, and vegetables.

Here is a recipe with dates and the Superfood of the month of November – have you already read it? – the nuts!

How to best enjoy dates?

Do you feel fatigued? Try the “energy balls” to recharge!
A very simple recipe without cooking: mini energy spheres made with dates, nuts, and cocoa. A gluten-free and 100% vegan delicacy.


Number of servings: 6

  • 100 gr walnut kernels
  • water
  • 100 gr dates
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • sesame seeds or grated coconut


1. Put the walnuts in a bowl and cover them with water. Cover the bowl with a cloth and let it sit overnight.
2. Drain the walnuts then chop them with the blender. Add the dates and chop again.
3. Finally, add the cocoa powder and blend again. At this point, with the mixture, create small spheres (use about 1 teaspoon of mixture for each sphere)
4. Roll your balls in sesame seeds or, if you prefer, use grated coconut.
5. Your energy balls with dates will be ready!

And which recipe with dates would you like to share with the SKIN IV team?