Originating from the Far East, ginger has only become popular in Western culture for a few years.

With a particular and unmistakable flavor that looks a bit like lemon and also has some slightly ‘spicy’ characteristics, ginger has many beneficial properties for our body.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a herbaceous plant of the Zingiberaceae family and is native to India and Malaysia, was brought to the west by Alexander the Great, and at the time of the Roman Empire it was already mentioned in the Korean as a medicine to treat it. stomach!

But what are all the benefits of this natural hygredient to date?

1- Improves the symptoms of nausea: Ginger acts as a natural remedy for nausea, used in very low dosages. The ideal ally therefore during long journeys by car, ship, bus and plane, but also during pregnancy. You simply need to chew a small piece of ginger, or drink a herbal tea based on this precious rhizome.

2- Promotes digestion and improves gastric disorders: To promote digestion, eat a piece of ginger after a big meal: you will immediately feel the benefits. Ginger also helps to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal system by preventing the formation of gases that could cause bloating.

3- Helps the immune system by treating colds and sore throats: according to Chinese medicine, this root helps dissolve the muchi and, thanks to its heating power, accelerates its healing. The advice is to consume it fresh or as an infusion, to relieve seasonal ailments.

If this is not enough to believe the powerful and healing action of ginger, we also add among its benefits the reduction of pain in case of osteoarthritis, the reduction of the glycemic level to prevent diabetes, the reduction of pre-menstrual and student pain headache.

In this period more than ever, we should all try this natural remedy by eating, every now and then, a nice piece of ginger or for those who do not like its particularly pungent taste to enjoy it drinking herbal teas, or to centrifuge it with a fruit of your choice!

Here is also an easy recipe you can make at home to use your time well and creatively, preparing together and for the people we love most original and healthy meals.



– 300 gr of flour

– 150 g of butter

– 120 gr of sugar

– 2 tablespoons of ginger powder


1- Combine the flour, sugar and ginger in powder or finely grated in a bowl

2- Create a hole in the dry ingredients and add the butter into small pieces and the egg, working with your hands to mix the mixture well.

3- Knead until a compact and homogeneous ball is wrapped in plastic wrap and left to rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

4- From the dough for the ginger biscuits, cut a sheet about 5 mm high and cut out your biscuits with a round-shaped bowl-pasta, which you will pass in granulated or brown sugar.

5- Place the ginger biscuits in a lined pan and bake at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Now you can enjoy the biscuits, accompanying them to afternoon tea! Have a good snack!