The undisputed queen of autumn vegetables and symbol par excellence of the Halloween party, the pumpkin is the Superfood of the month of October of SKIN IV!

With its cheerful color, the pumpkin is among the tastiest vegetables of the season and in nature there is a multitude of shapes, colors, and sizes. In fact, small, medium and giant pumpkins can be found. There are round, elongated, green and yellow, some are striped, others are multicolored. Despite this infinite variety, the pumpkin always maintains the same nutritional properties, making it a real panacea for our body because it has so many nutrients and few calories and can also be cooked in a thousand different ways, using a little imagination to create dishes always new! Nothing really gets thrown away from the pumpkin, being able to eat the raw, cooked pulp, the seeds and even the peel.

What are the benefits of pumpkin pulp?

Like all orange-colored vegetables, it is an inexhaustible source of beta-carotene, which serves the body to produce vitamin A, useful for the health of skin, mucous membranes and eyesight, with a very strong antioxidant power that limits the formation of free radicals and the onset of tumors.
Minerals (including calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) and vitamins (in particular vitamins C and E) make it one of the most recommended foods for those who practice sports.

Rich in Omega 3, a good fat that helps reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and improve circulation, has amino acids and serotonin, sleep regulators and mood.

Finally having a low caloric intake, due to the presence in the pulp of a high concentration of water (about 94%) and a very low percentage of simple sugars, it is recommended for those who must follow a low-calorie diet.

Pumpkin also has nutritional, emollient and protective properties that are very useful for the health of skin, nails and hair. Its pulp can be used to soothe inflammation of the skin, while its antioxidant capacity makes it ideal for keeping the skin young and smooth.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are also very rich in benefits: they are in fact real boosters, rich in protein, Omega3, zinc, magnesium and fiber. Often the importance of this seed is underestimated which, in reality, is an impressive and varied concentrate of active ingredients that make it one of the most complete superfoods ever. How to consume them? Rinse the seeds thoroughly, dry them and toast them in the oven, and enjoy their precious contents to garnish tasty salads, soups or snacks.

How to best taste the pumpkin?

When buying a pumpkin it is important that it is firm and well-ripened: the petiole must be soft and well attached to the vegetable. The peel must be free of dents. If you buy it already sliced ​​or chopped, make sure the fruit is “in the right place” and that the cut piece is not dry, while the seeds must be moist and slippery.

In view of the arrival of Halloween, SKIN IV gives you the recipe for tasty sweet pumpkin fritters, ideal to enjoy with the children for the “trick or treat” ritual?

Ingredients for 20 pancakes:

  • clean pumpkin: 250 gr
  • sugar: 80 gr
  • egg: 1 large
  • baking powder: 1 teaspoon
  • flour 0: 125 gr


1. Clean the pumpkin by removing the seeds, the filaments, and the peel.
2. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and cook it in steam or in the oven at 200 ° C for about 30 minutes.
3. When the pumpkin is cooked, transfer it to a bowl and blend it to obtain a puree. Pour the pumpkin puree into a bowl, add the sugar, egg, flour and baking powder and mix with a whisk.
4. Once the dough is ready, all you have to do is fry the fritters and enjoy them with delicious chocolate or icing sugar.