Hippocrates said: “let food be your medicine and medicine be your food“.

Nothing more true. Today more than ever there is a growing attention to what is introduced inside the organism, so as to recognize the importance of food as nourishment not only of the body but also of the soul.

The cornerstones of a correct diet, which has always been reiterated by the largest number of nutritionists, are: maintaining a varied diet in order to provide all the necessary nutrients for the body in reasonable quantities, without sacrificing the taste and pleasure of good food.

In recent years the concept of “superfood” has spread, but have we really understood what it is?


What are Superfoods?

Superfoods are “super foods” that contain a vast amount of nutrients essential for human health. Thanks to the high dose of antioxidants, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals, they are a real concentrate of health and energy for the body.

What are they and where can they be found?

The Superfoods are countless but among the most famous we can list: coconut milk, Goji berries, flax seeds, chia seeds, avocado, blueberries, pomegranate, ginger, almonds, pistachio, barley and legumes.

Not all of them are readily available, others are available only at certain times of the year but the safest places to find them are certainly the organic-natural food stores or the large supermarkets, often with prices within reach of all budgets.

Let’s find out about the properties of a superfood… COCONUT MILK

Coconut milk is one of the main ingredients of Asian cuisine.

it is free of cholesterol, gluten and lactose and his propiety are:

– rich in vitamins and minerals: vitamins C, E, B, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. A real energy bomb for our body.

– a powerful antioxidant, therefore useful for preventing potential health problems.

– perfect for vegetarians and lactose intolerant: for tasty recipes with an oriental flavor.

But we must be careful not to confuse coconut milk with coconut water because they are two totally different drinks: the first is in fact a vegetable drink obtained by squeezing the coconut pulp while the second is the water contained within it, the famous “coconut to drink”.

How to use coconut milk?

It is possible to use coconut milk in various ways: it is excellent, for example, to make the smoothies with fresh fruit and vegetables even more special.

It can be used for tasty recipes with coconut chicken morsels, cod fillets, to create cakes, ice creams, soft and tasty muffins with the addition of cocoa and even in the morning coffee as soon as you wake up.

Evoking hot and summer climates, coconut milk is perfect for summer recipes and for enjoying what is called “the food of the gods” in Hawaii.

And how do you use coconut milk in the kitchen? Share your recipes with us at info@skin-iv.com and the best will be published in the next newsletter dedicated to nutrition!