We should all know by now, breakfast is a fundamental meal and is considered by nutritionists the most important of the day because it should constitute 20% of daily energy.
In the morning, in fact, the body comes from many hours of fasting and needs all the main nutrients – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber – to activate and face the day at its best.
For this reason not only should never be skipped, but you should eat balanced foods between them, avoiding only sugar as it happens in the typical “Italian breakfast” with ‘’cappuccino and brioche’’, because in the future these can cause damage to our body!
Let’s see together some ideas for an healthy breakfast – but still greedy – and balanced 😋

Classic Breakfast for Italian people

If you don’t want to give up the Italian breakfast just apply some cautions.
For example, instead of croissants and brioche you can make a lighter cake at home, such as a donut without eggs or a chocolate cake without butter. Also bread with a “lean” jam is a good idea.
The same applies to milk: it can be substituted with a vegetable drink such as coconut milk, oats or rice. Even coffee is easily replaced: a great alternative is barley coffee, which has no side effects compared to the usual coffee.

Breakfast with cereal, fruits and yogurt

Another healthy, tasty and easy to prepare breakfast is the one that provides yogurt with cereal and fresh fruit. Yogurt, compared to milk, is more digestible because it contains lactic ferments useful for the bacterial flora and its proteins are a source of calcium. You can choose the Greek one or white yogurt with no added sugar, adding, if you prefer, cereals, fresh fruit or both!

Credits: Pinterest

Classic salty breakfast
For those who love salty breakfast, you know that eggs are the undisputed queens and you can choose to prepare them in “omelette” French style, coque, scrambled, or better yet hard-boiled. From a nutritional point of view, these are an important source of protein, but be careful about the level of cholesterol.
The important thing is to combine them with carbohydrates and fiber, avoiding other proteins and fats such as bacon or bacon. Pair them rather with a savory bread better known as the italian focaccia and a bitter orange juice and breakfast is served.

Credits: Pinterest

Breakfast for sports enthusiasts
Those who practice sports, especially in the morning, need an extra dose of energy but without weighing it down. So carbohydrates are inevitable – better if whole grains – such as bread, rusks, but also cereals enriched with seeds such as sunflower, flax, pumpkin, or dried fruit, which also provide protein and omega 3.
Instead of milk, which is difficult to digest, you can choose fruit juices without added sugar, smoothies or alternative drinks such as oat milk.
For those who love salt, we recommend smoked salmon, a source of good fats, or peanut butter: an energizing food that provides vitamins and antioxidants.

Credits: Pinterest

And you? What type of breakfast do you prefer to start the day? Let us know in the comments! 🥰